Garden Maintenance

Hills Sustainable Gardens is a business that has a regular client base of exclusive properties spread all over the Adelaide Hills. We are highly dedicated, qualified and experienced staff with a professional mind-set optimising our daily and weekly schedules in order to suit our customers gardening needs. Whether it is paying special attention to the detail required for your delicate flora or whether its the close attention to detail of your carefully manicured small or large green lawn areas. HSG has the gardening experience for urban, rural, sophisticated, residential and large commercial properties.

• Qualified in Horticulture
• Garden & Lawn care maintenance
• Weekly / fortnightly or monthly on going visits
• End of lease maintenance
• Irrigation
• Mowing (push / ride on)
• Hedge trimming/topiary
• Gutter cleaning
• Broad acre slashing
• Blackberry removal
• High pressure cleaning (driveways, paving, pathways)
• Weed control/ Weeding

Call us if your garden needs beautifying
